Posted by & filed under asterisk.

Frustrated with errors trying to upgrade my aging Trixbox CE installation, I decided to build a new virtual machine and take PBX in a Flash for a testrun. Now I’d tried PBXIAF in the past, but I was turned off by the (lets face it) juvenile look. (I’ve also tried Elastix, and was not overly impressed with that either, but to be fair though, I never did give either distributions much of a chance).

After a few small hurdles to configure my new PBXIAF system (maybe I’ll write about these later) to respond the way I was accustomed with my trix installation, I decided I wanted to add my work phones and a few other things to some applications and ring groups. In the past I had done this by editing one of the extensions.conf files, but in the new version of FreePBX, you can enter a “custom extension”. Turns out it’s super easy to use a PSTN number, all you need to do is assign a DN and name, and enter the following entry in the dial field:


(This is assuming you’re still using from-internal as your default context!!)

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